Galloway’s “Blackburn triumph”

April 1, 2012 at 5:27 pm (apologists and collaborators, Asshole, Beyond parody, Galloway, islamism, Jim D, populism, Respect, stalinism, twat)

Off to a good start as a constituency MP, then.

Galloway claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked. So, obviously, it was a “zionist” plot to discredit him.

On Radio 4 this morning someone commented, “Well Galloway has represented a lot of places beginning with “B”: Bethnal Green and Bow, Baghdad…”


  1. skidmarx said,

    Can’t think where you get all your stories from?
    [Or is it straight from the Telegraph, like the libel about Galloway being paid by Saddam?]

  2. Jim Denham said,

    You mean it’s not true, Skidiot? None of it’s true? It’s ALL LIES!

    A “Zionist plot” perhaps?

    Just confirm please (because you don’t always make yourself entirely clear), that what you are saying is that the alleged Galloway tweet about “Blackburn” is not genuine, and so, presumably a clever forgery? I trust that the legendarily litigious Mr Galloway will make full use of the bourgeois courts in that case.

    P.S. my source:

    charliethechulo said,
    April 1, 2012 at 9:49 am · Edit

    Rosie, referring to Hitchens: ” I added Bradford to the list of B’s that Christopher Hitchens spoke of when asked about the peace-making aspect of religion…”

    Well, Rosie, it seems you can also add Blackburn. Galloway spent the morning after his victory tweeting to his followers about his plans for the future, insisting the ‘Blackburn spring’ was well underway, before correcting himself and claiming his twitter account had been hacked.

    On Radio 4 this morning someone commented, “Well Galloway has represented a lot of places beginning with B: Bethnal Green and Bow, Baghdad…”

    But let’s get it straight, Skidiot: you’re saying that it’s a lie, are you?

  3. Jim Denham said,

    “But let’s get it straight, Skidiot: you’re saying that it’s a lie, are you?”

    Have received a lot of besides-the-point bollocks from you, Skidiot (which we’ve blocked for now), but no reply to the simple question: is Galloway’s alleged tweet about Blackburn a forgery or not?

    Answer that, and we’ll consider publishing the rest of your waffle.

    Still waiting…

  4. Andrew Coates said,

    The story was all over the place Skid.

    Jim is right.

    But maybe you are one those who think, “These savage bitter attacks on Galloway show we on the left need to purge ourselves of the vermin in our ranks.”

    Btw I am still incandescent with rage at this, and other similar comments from the ‘left’..

  5. modernity's ghost said,

    Comrades, comrades.

    Anyone that would believe, as Skidmarx does, that idea of Israelis going to other countries to harvest the organs of the dead, dying and others seemed “more plausible”, isn’t worth wasting your breath on.

    Toulouse: tragedies are not provided to bolster our prejudices


    If Skidmarx believes any old racist nonsense when its thrown at Israelis, then he’ll believe anything.

    Why do you think that your words will convince him to be rational?

    They won’t, never had, no evidence to suggest they ever will.

  6. Monsuer Jelly est Formidable said,

  7. SteveH said,

    Is this really as a story, a simple mistake, jumped on by the enemies of the left.

    Pathetic stuff.

  8. Rosie said,

    Of course it was a simple mistake that shouldn’t matter a curse. However, Gigi, true to form, had to lie about it and say someone had hacked into his twitter account.

    This piece here:-

    “how did GG manage to hear about the tweet, reclaim his account and upload a correction literally three minutes after the “Blackburn” tweet was posted? Don’t hold it back, George. After all, unless he’s covering up a slip with a dishonest yet unfalsifiable assertion he is one quick feller.”

    When caught out, Gigi lies. It’s what he does.

    See this video for instance:-

  9. SteveH said,

    So you take your information from the GallowayArchive poster, a poster on a crusade to roll back the enlightenment! Have you actually watched these videos, they are the product of mental instability.

    This is pathetic, you are pathetic. There is no other word for it. I don’t blame Galloway for using damage limitation, you have to in these dark times for rational thinking. Again totally pathetic and a desperate attempt to derail Galloway’s huge victory.

    Don’t let the bastards get you down George!

  10. Rosie said,

    SteveH –

    I hope you’re not Gigi’s adviser. I mean “damage limitation”. Gigi tweets Blackburn instead of Bradford.

    Sensible adviser:- Just say, “oops! sorry” and that’s the end of it.
    Daft adviser:- Damage limitation, Gigi, damage limitation. Accusations of improbable twitter account hackings. That will do your credibility no end of harm and bring to mind your habit of lying about your past activity.

    There are some very funny replies to Gigi’s tweet. One I saw said, Blackburn’s to the left, Bradford’s to the right and there are some hilly things in between.

  11. Jim Denham said,

    Not sure I agree that it was a “simple mistake that shouldn’t matter a curse,” Rosie: after all the guy’s just been elected as MP for a constituency, and then gets it muddled up with somewhere completely different. A pretty poor show, to say the least.

    Btw: better watch out, Rosie: Gigi doesn’t seem to like uppity women who dare contradict him:

  12. entdinglichung said,

  13. Rosie said,

    @ Jim – re that video – “who say the same thing wherever they are” – ha! ha! At least he didn’t tell the interviewer she was lying. If he says the same thing wherever he is, did he tell his white working class voters that his opponent goes to the pub? Wouldn’t they have shouted “Great! Mine’s a pint.”

    Oh dear, he doesn’t like an argument, does he?

    I’d give him a pass for a slip up after what must have been a gruelling campaign. I’ve read that he did master the brief on local issues. Still, it is very funny that after all his bombast and grandiosity he gets deflated by a tweet.

    SteveH’s “I don’t blame Galloway for using damage limitation, you have to in these dark times for rational thinking. ”

    Like most of SteveH’s sentences this doesn’t make much sense but I take it to mean that the damage was done by Galloway (i.e. sending the Blackburn tweet) and he’s just limiting it by pretending he was hacked, but that’s okay as dark forces are against him.

    As for the other Gigi champion, Skidmarx, he doesn’t want to commit himself about whether he believes Gigi’s story about his Twitter account being hacked.


    I had seen that. Gigi’s on a roll – a lovely young new wife, a political come-back and his old enemy, Hitchens, dying of a painful disease. No wonder he thinks God is on his side.

  14. Monsuer Jelly est Formidable said,

    never heard of Mark Rylance but he sounds like a right thick cuernt

  15. SteveH said,


    The dark days for rational thinking are that minor incidents like this are blown up out of all proportion and this becomes the debate. And the reason we are having this debate is a fundamental dishonesty, it is the anti enlightenment in practice.

    Galoway showed he was human, nothing more nothing less. It is all really really pathetic.

  16. Jim Denham said,

    “Galloway showed he was human”: a pity he doesn’t show any basic humanity, whether grovelling before tyrants, telling bare-faced lies in interviews or trying to bully women who dare question him.

    Also: is it too much to ask that a newly-elected MP remembers the name of the constituency that elected him?

    SteveH doesn’t even understand what the enlightment was – still less enlightenment values (fundamnetally threatened by backward bigots like Galloway).

  17. SteveH said,

    Jim will attempt to keep this simple slip running for as long as he can. All so pathetic and done to divert attention from the real issues. This is the kind of thing the tabloids have used to distract workers for decades now, it is fundamentally a tactic of the right wing. It is an anti enlightenment, anti democratic tactic. Democracy relies on well informed people, this attempts to manipulate people. It treats people as idiots and pawns to be used. It debases the human condition.

    The united front between Shiraz and the far right continues!

  18. Jim Denham said,

    Even if you think it’s “a simple slip” (and I am hardly claiming that it’s Galloway’s greatest sin – not by a long chalk!), it is a perfectly legimitmate issue to raise. I’m sure any other newly-elected MP making such an elementary “slip” would be ridiculed in exactly the same way. The only additional significance with regard to Galloway is his record as a carpet-bagger.

    It does, indeed, suggest that Galloway “treats people as idiots and pawns to be used.”

    But as I say, it pales into insignificance before his appeasement of fascist and semi-fascist dictators.

    What the fuck it’s got to do with the “enlightment” and/or “democracy” (except in the sense that Galloway is clearly an enemy of both) is a mystery that MrH does not deign to reveal.

  19. SteveH said,

    I do reveal why it is anti enlightenment.

    Look, you blow this up in the hope that people will say, “oh ye Galloway is bad and this undermines his great victory. Policy is unimportant, this trivia is what counts”. This is a form of dishonesty and elevates the irrational. It debases the human condition in the way the tabloids do and that GallowayArchive poster does. It attempts to posion human reasoning with propaganda. It is the roll back of the enlightenment, it is an attempt to keep the enlightenment the preserve of an elite.

    This site is particularly active in this anti enlightenment crusade.

    “It does, indeed, suggest that Galloway “treats people as idiots and pawns to be used.””

    This is typical of your anti enlightenment crusade. You twist my words to make some sort of cheap point, as if this is what I said.

    It is all rather pathetic amd a little bit infantile. Puerile. There is also a desperation about it, so it is rather sad also.

  20. modernity's ghost said,

    Indeed, let us suppose that Galloway made a simple mistake, very tiring all of the politicking.

    But what explains the SW comparison between Bales and Merah?

    That’s not a mistake.

    It is conscious political malice of the most grievous kind.

  21. Jim Denham said,

    SteveH: “It debases the human condition in the way the tabloids do and that GallowayArchive poster does. It attempts to posion human reasoning with propaganda. It is the roll back of the enlightenment,”

    I still fail to understand what the fuck this has got to do with the enlightenment (apart from the fact that Galloway’s an enemy of it)

    And you have not…enlightened us.

    You say “This is a form of dishonesty and elevates the irrational”: in what way is pointing out that Galloway can’t even name the constituency he’s been elected to, “dishonest” or “irrational”?

    How does pointing out this *fact* “debase the human condition”?

    Do you mean that it would have been better if Galloway’s “slip” had not been reported or commented upon? “Better” from what point of view? That the voters of Bradford West should not be aware of the fact that their newly-elected MP forgot the name of the constituency and muddled it up with a completely different constituency? How would suppressing that rather important piece of news be a blow for the “enlightenment”?

    Enlighten me, please, MrH.

  22. SteveH said,

    I was reading the comments on the carjacking and the first thing everyone wanted to know was what was the colour of the criminal. Once the colour was established all the racsits (the sort who are currently attacking Galloway) posted comments that played on the colour of the individual. Now facts in tjhemsleves are nothing of much interest, only when facts are turned into information do they have any meaning.

    The fact fetish is another product of the anti enlightenment.

    The fact Galloway made a slip has been overplayed, blown up out of proportion, twisted for propaganda. The important thing is why has it been blown up etc? The reason is the same as why the tabloids operate in the way they do and why Cameron thinks he can say “We are all in it together”, without everyone wetting themselves. That is, the reason this slip is being overplayed is because you think people are stupid enough to fall for pure proaganda, spin, call it what you want.

    Therefore, this is an attack on rational thought and an attempt to subvert the truth, it attempts to make people irrational and stupid. It protects the enlightenment from the herd, the enlightenment is the preserve of the elite. It is anti enlightenment.

    This site is a good example of the crusade against enlightenment values.

  23. modernity's ghost said,

    Please. There’s no rational thought from SteveH.

    After all, it is SteveH that rants on about “Zionists” and stuff like this:

    “I think Press Tv was superior to the racist kosher channels which you have no problem with.”

    Sadly, Jim and the AWL are far too liberal and considerate take a strong line with SteveH (and if they did would it change him one iota? Doubtful.)

    SteveH can see racism towards any ethnic minority in Britain, but not Jews.

    They don’t register with him. He can’t connect because of his irrational streak and habit of shouting at “Zionists”.

    His is a mindset of the 1930s, shouting, but never thinking, plucking words from the air without a clue of their meaning or usage.

  24. Jim Denham said,

    “Therefore, this is an attack on rational thought and an attempt to subvert the truth, it attempts to make people irrational and stupid. It protects the enlightenment from the herd, the enlightenment is the preserve of the elite. It is anti enlightenment.”

    Gibberish. I do not so much disagree as simply fail to comprehend. As someone once said, it’s “not even wrong.”

    I have to agree with mod’s ghost on one point at least: “There’s no rational thought from SteveH.”

  25. SteveH said,

    I am clearly going over your head on this one. You probably think the tabloids are there to educate and enlighten! Your Ken Livingstone headlines have the whiff of Murdoch about them thinking about it!

    I am aware of racism against Jews but in this country racism against Jews is not at the same level as racism against Muslims. I know many far right racists (they have the same views about Galloway that you have been promoting) and they are even using the killing of the Jews in France as justification for their hatred of Muslims. The far right demographic are concentrated almost exclusively on Muslims (or dark skinned people with funny accents). The fabric of institutional racism in this country is directed more at blacks and Muslims than Jews.

    And your record in combatting the most serious forms of racism in Britain today is worse than lamentable.

  26. Jim Denham said,

    “I am clearly going over your head on this one”:

    Yeah. That must be it.

    “And your record in combatting the most serious forms of racism in Britain today is worse than lamentable”:


    The cause I’ve devoted much of my life to has been a waste of time. According to you.

    Next: I will tell you what I think of you and your “analysis.”

  27. Rosie said,

    Now facts in tjhemsleves are nothing of much interest, only when facts are turned into information do they have any meaning.

    The fact fetish is another product of the anti enlightenment.

    I do wonder if the facts had been on the other side, that is, Gigi’s twitter account had been hacked into, SteveH would have been so keen to denounce fact fetishism (another word for accuracy, I suppose).

    I don’t think this slip of Gigi’s is a big deal or a medium-sized deal or much of a deal at all. It’s just part of a pattern of Gigi’s instinct to lie when caught out, like a kid who denies he’s eaten the chocolate with brown smears round his mouth.

  28. SteveH said,

    Rosie, the fact fetish is the placement of facts outside all context, facts as product placement. It is basic sixth form standard education that facts are meaningless unless turned into information. This site uses facts in the way tabloids use facts and the right wing uses fact. Again, sad and pathetic.

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