Maddie criticises a Muslim!

May 12, 2007 at 6:54 pm (Anti-Racism, Human rights, Jim D, secularism)

That leading multi-cultural religious person Madeleine Bunting is very tolerant  when it comes to other religious people. After all, she has simpered before a leading “moderate” Muslim cleric whilst he justified suicide bombers , explained why beating your wife was OK (providing it was as a “last resort” and done “lightly”), and explained why homosexuals  should be “punished by God” – whatever that means. Maddie is also on record denouncing the enlightenment and attacking “new” atheism – a term she has just invented in order to explain the popularity of Richard Dawkins’ book ‘The God Delusion’. If you want a good laugh, go to the record of Maddie’s Guardian columns, and read just how breathtakingly intellectually bankrupt her work has been over the years.

A recurring theme in Maddie’s articles is how ‘we’, in the “West”, must be understanding towards Muslim people, and not judge ‘them’ by our own standards. So it came as a surprise to find that our Maddie, in today’s Guardian, was quite critical of a Muslim…

That person was former Hizb-ut Tahrir member Ed Husain, and his opinions that upset Maddie were things like this:

“Controversially, Husain backs Tony Blair’s analysis, downplaying foreign policy. He argues that Islamism – a body of ideas that aimed radically to reform and politicise Islam in the 20th century in order to confront the west – has come to dominate the British Muslim community, which has failed to challenge the proliferation of forms of violent political Islam; British mosques still have links with Islamist movements from the Asian subcontinent and Middle East, and aggressive rhetoric towards the west, Jews, and all non-believers was – and, he argues, still is – embedded in many Muslim organisations”…

leading her to conclude, with a large dose of patronisation:

It is as if, just as Husain once swallowed large chunks of Hizb ut Tahir propaganda, he now seems to have swallowed undigested the prevailing critique of British Muslims (what the hell does Maddie mean by that, exactly? Who’s “prevailing critique”? -JD). He has no truck with the idea of Islamophobia, which he dismisses as the squeal of an Islamist leadership pleading special favours; he criticises Asian racism and castigates Muslims “who go back home to get married” and produce “another generation confused about home”. On issues such as segregation he is confident it is the fault of multiculturalism”.

Maddie concludes:

“One suspects the naivity which took him to Hizb-ut-Tahir has blinded him as to how his story will be used to buttress positions hostile to many things he holds dear – his own faith and racial tolerance, for example. A glance at the blog response  to a Husain piece in the Telegraph reveals how rightwing racism and anti-Islamic sentiment are feasting on his testimony”.

So, Maddie: Ed Husain should have kept shtum about the British Muslim “community”‘s anti-semitism, sexism and racism, because white racists can make use of such revalations? And do you, Maddie, regard Ed Husain as a “bad Muslim” for speaking out? This is not such a ridiculous question: the ex-Marxists of the (British) SWP have denounced ex-Muslim leftists as ‘bad Muslims’! They (the SWP) have also called upon women to cover their heads, on demos,  as a mark of respect to Islam!

Anyway: back to Maddie: it seems that beating your wife (lightly, as a last resort, of course) and punishing (in unspecified ways) homosexuals…are OK: but a Muslim criticising Islamic fundamentalism, from his or her own, first-hand experience, is not. It’s noticeable how Muslim (eg: Irshad Manji and Ed Husain) critics of fundamentalism, always get criticised by white “liberals” like Bunting, the “S”WP and the loathsome Norman Finkelstein (who once confirmed to me that he would support the murder of Irshad Manji): these “liberal”scum are not fit to lick the boots of such brave Muslim free-thinkers as Ed Husain and Irshad Manji.


  1. Will said,

    For Maddy and her ilk (eg. the SWP) ‘brown-skinned’ people in support of secularism = collaboration with Imperialism – rather than ‘brown skinned’ people having their own political preferences. You see -In her world view – some people are just incapable of forming thoughts because of their birth location or skin colour.

  2. voltaires_priest said,

    When did Finkelstein say that?

  3. Jim Denham said,

    A comment appeared on her website with the name “Norman Finkelstein”, responding to her petition against islamist threats to her life: the person calling themselves Finkelstein asked if there was a petition he could sign *supporting^ the islamist threats: I emailed Norman Finkelstein asking him to reassure me that it wasn’t him; he emailed me back *defending* the threat to Irshad Manji: I took that as an admission that it was, indeed, he who had made it.

  4. Will said,

    Amazing. Not unexpected tho but.

  5. voltaires_priest said,

    It sounds an odd thing for him to have said; it’s not normal for academics to endorse threats to each other’s lives, and for the media not to hear about it – especially when they’re celebrity academics like those two. Why didn’t Irshad do anything about it, for instance sue him?

  6. said,


    if you ever read any Finkelstein stuff, there is the distinct impression that he’s not playing with a full pack of cards and driven by obsessive hatreds, it is a bit surprising but given his past history…

  7. Renegade Eye said,

    At times it seems a secular left is nostalgia.

  8. TWP said,

    Jim and Volty – Any chance of either of you doing a review of Husain’s book for Shiraz?

  9. voltaires_priest said,

    ‘Fraid that one might be in Jim’s court – I didn’t know Husain had written a book…

  10. Jim Denham said,

    One result of Maddie’s piece was that your humble scribe rushed out to buy Husain’s book (‘The Islamist’; £8.99, Penguin): I’ll do a review asap.

  11. johng said,

    Jim, so what do YOU think of the theses that ‘segregation’ is the product of ‘multi-culturalism’?

  12. Steve said,

    One element that if often absent in any dicussion of the left’s attitude to Islam is any sense that there is a huge range of diversity of views. What we tend to think of as ‘Islam’ today reflects a long history of polemic within a sectarian milieu. It’s embarrasing that the SWP/left assume they have anything other than a superficial understanding of Islam.

  13. Jim Denham said,

    John: there’s clearly more to it than simply “multi-culturalism”, but the version of “multi-culturalism” that the state has encouraged over the last ten-to-twenty years (eg in the allocation of local authority grants) has, indeed encouraged ethnic seperatism and inter-ethnic hostility. The evidence from the riots in Bradford and Handsworth is overwhelming. So – yes, I think he’s right about that.

  14. Jim Denham said,

    By the way, what caused me to email Finkelstein asking him to confirm or deny that it was he who’d said he’s sign a petition supporting the threats against Irshad Manji, can be found at

  15. said,


    Based the above article, do you agree with Madeleine Bunting’s criticism of Ed Husain’s points??

  16. tim said,

    The term used by Lenins Tomb for these sort of people is “house nigger”.
    Which coming from a white Ballymena Protestant cannot be racist.

  17. voltaires_priest said,

    Got a link for that, Tim?

  18. tim said,

    It was in a comments thread and used by Mr Seymour to describe a black journalist during the Katrina debacle.

  19. johng said,

    Yes I think its fairly clear that he’s done a straightfoward flip. Understandable in one way given the extremity of where he was, and also that he now clearly see’s himself as aligned with the security services.

    I don’t believe that ‘multi-culturalism’ is what lies behind ghettoisation, and nor do I think its ghettoisation that lies behind alienation. I cannot understand how Socialists can roll all of these issues up as if they’re same thing.

    The rioting in Bradford was caused by ‘multi-culturalism’? What kind of nonsense is this?

  20. Jules said,

    Jim’s claim that Norman Finkelstein supports the murder of Irshad Manji is only backed up by hearsay. Its a pretty serious charge and I’d suggest that Jim either substantiates it with evidence or withdraws it.

  21. said,

    I suggest that Jim ignores any Finkelstein groupies!

  22. voltaires_priest said,

    Jules – it depends what Finkelstein actually said in his return email to Jim I suppose.

    So… what did he say, Jim?

  23. Jim Denham said,

    Sadly, I did not (so far as I can remember), keep a copy of the Fink’s reply (though I’ll have a look, just in case): but what was memorable, was that:
    1/ He didn’t take the opportunity to deny that he was the author of that comment
    2/ He said something to the effect of ‘publicity-seekers should expect what they get’…

    I think it is reasonable of me to take that reponse as an admission that the ‘Norman Finkelstein’ quoted on Manji’s website was, indeed, the Fink that we all know and despise.

    If anyone’s in doubt, why not ask him – like I did (I used the email address on his website: and the one thing I’d say in his favour is that he replied).

  24. Jim Denham said,

    An interesting review of Husain’s book:

  25. johng said,

    The most shocking thing in the review is the allegation in the book that it was Hiz but who disrupted and harrassed Respect electoral activity. I have no brief for the Hiz but but not only has this been refuted by those involved but the refutation has been acknowledged by the actual source of this story: the evening standard.

    In a book which preports to be an inside story this is, to say the least, a little disquieting. Its not something which anyone involved, even at the level of bloody blogging for goodness sake, could make an honest mistake about.

  26. Jim Denham said,

    I simply don’t know about whether Hiz but were te people who disrupted your Galloway-love-in, John: but clearly it was Muslim findamentalist extremists (for whom even the pro-Islamist “Respect” and Galloway were not devout enough)…so what are you saying, John: Husain’s a liar? Or what?

  27. Will said,

    On the ‘house nigger’ jibes at Stalin’s Tombola — I remember it was also used to vilify Barack Obama. Can’t be bothered to search for it. Obama is a liberal of course – but…ahem.

    On the Strasserite-Islamist Gameboy’s attempts at interjections here. Please let’s stop circling around and just tell him to *fuck off* people.

    Gameboy misrepresenting what people say again: “The rioting in Bradford was *caused* by ‘multi-culturalism’? What kind of nonsense is this?” — That’s not what Jim said. Thought you were clever, dickhead. You’re nothing but a trolling piece of scum.

    Never mind though – I see Toryboy David Cameron is now on your side Gameboy:,,2078667,00.html

    “Many British Asians see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear. Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”

    Another conservative to recruit to the SWP!

    As for Finkelstein, he dismisses the Holocaust as an extortion racket against Germany, says that Jews run America, compares Israelis with Nazis, justifies al-Qaeda, champions Hezbollah, speaks alongside Hamas supporters and gives interviews to Lebanese Holocaust deniers. Thus, anybody who questions the veracity of what Jim said should merely look at the record of the fyool. Come to think of it — that’s the line the SWP would take. Disgusting.

  28. modernityblog said,


    what is your view of Norman Finelstein’s work and his opinions on the Holocaust?

    please don’t be reticent on this topic, I’m sure most people would welcome an extensive answer

  29. Will said,

    Not me. heard it all before. Amounts to apologetics for anti-Semitism basically.

  30. voltaires_priest said,

    And please let’s stop talking about “Hiz but”. Get your language right, people. It’s Hizb Ut-Tahrir. They may suck but you could at least get their name correctly.

  31. modernityblog said,


    Just in case you missed my previous comment, I will repeat it:

    what is your view of Norman Finkelstein’s work and his opinions on the Holocaust?

    please don’t be reticent on this topic, I’m sure most people would welcome an extensive answer from you

  32. Will said,

    Quiet isn’t he? Must be searching out one of his undergraduate essays or something.

  33. modernityblog said,


    I hope that you are well and that your PC is still working?

    when you have the opportunity, please do consider and reply to the following question:

    what is your view of Norman Finkelstein’s work and his opinions on the Holocaust

  34. Jules said,

    Modernity – I can’t speak for John G but you are aware that the SWP “line” on Finkelstein’s “Holocaust Industry” was highly critical? Callinicos said in SW that the book came “dangerously close to giving comfort to those who dream of new holocausts”. It was also savaged in Socialist Review.

  35. Will said,

    Which just goes to highlight Callinicostcutter’s hypocricy all the more, seeing as the SWP are very vocal about making common cause with groups whose main platforms centre around antisemitism.

    He’s also on record as writing: “If Bush attacks Iran tomorrow, which side are you on?”
    “I would be on Iran’s but — as Lenin put it — I would refuse to paint Ahmadinejad in communist colours; in other words, I would be for an Iranian victory despite his anti-Semitic rantings…”

    In other words — he is… “…giving comfort to those who dream of new holocausts”.

  36. Jules said,


    Its just the standard trot revolutionary defeatist line innit? I hardly think Ahmadinejad would be conforted that a trot in the UK *theoretically* (I don’t think somehow Callinicos will be deploying a brigade to Tehran) would support military victory for Iran in a conflict with the UK.

  37. modernityblog said,

    Cynics might suggest that JohnG is deliberately avoiding the question of Norman Finkelstein and his views, but I am sure that JohnG’s inability to answer is probably related to his workload, temporary illness or some PC problem, and we should give him time to answer the question

  38. Jules said,

    Modernity – you’re increasing starting to sound like those creepy Scientologists in VP’s latest video link.

  39. modernityblog said,


    Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments, I always treatment in the way they were given!

  40. Loga'Abdullah said,

    I reviewed Irshad Manji’s book here (link is below) – I think you may find it interesting

    Feel free to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions about this book review.

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