Tariq Ali: “the Libyan people have lost”

August 22, 2011 at 12:50 am (africa, apologists and collaborators, Guardian, Human rights, Jim D, Libya, Middle East, national liberation, Pabs)

Lest we forget (#2):

Tariq Ali

Here’s how the Libyan people, in Gaddafi’s supposed ‘stronghold’ of Tripoli,  feel about having “lost”:

…and here’s how a Libyan exile answered Ali immediately after that article appeared:

Tariq Ali is anything but consistent (Who will reshape the Arab world: its people or the US?, 30 April http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/apr/29/arab-politics-democracy-intervention). On the one hand he declares, “It is too soon to predict the final outcome, except to say it is not over yet” and on the other he dismisses the Libyan uprising with “whatever the final outcome, the Libyan people have lost”. It is a combination of ignorance and arrogance that has afflicted the “left” ever since the revolution in Tunisia that leads Mr Ali to think that the Libyans, who have experienced colonial rule and imperialist exploitation first hand, are unaware of the machinations of the US, the UK and France. The Arab people need no lectures. They will take their own unique path to social and political change which need not follow the models of the past. – Fawzi Ibrahim, London


  1. charliethechulo said,

  2. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,

  3. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,

    here is another from just a matter of a couple of weeks ago

    a piece of shit tory vermin cunT

  4. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,


    Instead of picketing computer and mobile phone shops which sell goods containing Israeli-made components, the BDS ‘movement’ singles out *Jewish* businesses for their ‘anti-Zionist’ protest – maybe they could smash some windows and paint Magen Davids averywhere.

  5. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,

    oh – look

    cunt in “ooops i was completely wrong shockker”

    he is of course, the supreme cynical nihilist and ultra-plus of the triangulating “Look at me i am not on anyone’s side – i just sneer at everything – thusly keeping an ability to claim plausable deniabilty and an air of remoteness from real-life events” school of cuntwittery.

  6. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,

    forgot to say – his sort couldn’t commit themselves to a fuckking shite in the morning.

  7. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,

  8. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,

    i note that Osler is also of a school of thought that is a cuntwiTTED one. fuck me. CRETINS everywhere.

  9. Jason said,

    Cretins indeed. I miss DSTFW and General Rubbish. Just saying, like.

  10. charliethechulo said,

    Lest we forget: Seymour (29 July) in the ‘Graun’: “Gadaffi is stronger than ever”:


  11. George Clinton formally known as Monsieur Jelly est formidable said,

    here also

    and a bigger bunch iof cretinous cunts in the comments you could not read anywhere (well you could, but you would have to be @ HP Sauce CurntBlerGGHH to do so)

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