Mehdi Hasan – objectively a supporter of Assad

March 2, 2012 at 11:31 pm (apologists and collaborators, democracy, Guardian, Human rights, internationalism, Jim D, Middle East, New Statesman, stalinism, Syria, terror)

This week’s New Statesman carries an article of almost unbelievable dishonesty and self-righteousness by their senior political editor, Mehdi Hasan. Following the lead of the scabrous so-called Stop The War Coalition (whose ‘line’ he echoes to the last detail), Hasan claims that there is a “clamour” in the west for military intervention into Syria. Where this “clamour” is supposed to be coming from is not explained, but for Hasan, denouncing it is clearly a far more important priority than criticising the Assad regime or considering what can be done to stop the slaughter in the Baba Amr district of Homs.

Hasan’s self-righteous little tirade is entitled “Opponents of intervention in Syria won’t take lectures from the hawks.” After a token, perfunctory reference to the “brutality” of the Assad regime, Hasan directs his fire at “hawks” who advocate intervention (naturally he brings in the “ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948”) and the Syrian opposition, or at least the forces of the Syrian National Council and the Free Syrian Army. This nauseating  little piece of poisonous hack-work and guilt-by-association is not yet available online [it is now JD 09/03/12], so I’ll reproduce a chunk just to give you a flavour:

“Today, western governments denounce Iran’s support for Assad and condemn the inaction of China and Russia. Our leaders piously call for freedom and democracy in Syria – as part of an anti-Assad coalition that includes liberal paragons such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Hamas and al-Qaeda. Shamefully, we choose to ignore the motivation of the Sunni-led Gulf autocracies, who want Assad out for cynical, sectarian reasons. Opposition groups such as the Syrian National Council (SNC) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have had to downplay the fact that they are drawn largely from Syria’s Sunni majority and have denied claims that their protests and anger are aimed at the quasi-Shia, Alawite minority that rules the country.

“Yet, in July 2011, just six months after the start of the Syrian uprising, the International Crisis Group, a Brussels-based foreign-affairs think tank, revealed how opposition groups ‘edit out sectarian (ie, anti-Alawite) slogans’ from the videos of the protests they post online.

“In recent weeks, members of the FSA – a loose network of armed, military defectors – have admitted to kidnapping Alawites to use as bargaining chips against the regime. Last month, FSA fighters bragged to the BBC that they had summarily executed a group of prisoners. Are those in the west who breezily advocate arming the FSA aware of such reports? If so, does it not bother or worry them?

To point out the crimes of some Syrian rebels is not to question the oppostion’s right to resist [OH NO? Sounds to me like exactly that- JD] or offer support – ‘objective’ or otherwise – for the Assad regime…”

“[S]upport – ‘objective’ or otherwise – for the Assad regime”…but that’s exactly what you and your friends ARE doing Mr Hasan. It needs to be spelled out loud and clear: people like you and Stop The War and Seumas Milne are “objective supporters” of Assad (and, indeed of the Iranian regime). And some of us will do our damnedest to ensure that you are nailed, exposed and forever reminded of this. The internal opponents of the Syrian regime have a right to ask for help from outside and no internationalist should object to US, British or other outside help to the rebels – sectarian motives on the part of the Saudis and other gulf states notwithstanding.

After Hasan’s despicable pro-Assad apologetics, it’s good to remind ourselves that not all ‘liberal’ journalists are such creeps, by revisiting a piece from nearly a month ago by The Graun’s Jonathan Freedland, who has these people bang to rights:

“We rightly slam generals who are always fighting the last war, but I wonder if today’s peace movement is guilty of the same crime. The thought was prompted by a hasty glance at an email from the Stop the War Coalition.

“I saw the words ‘rally’, ‘Syria’ and ’embassy’ and assumed they were organising a demo outside the Syrian embassy to protest at the truly shocking slaughter now conducted by the Assad regime against its own people. After all, Stop the War do not confine themselves to opposing military action involving British troops (they recently co-organised a demo outside the Israeli embassy to mark the anniversary of the offensive against Gaza). All credit to them for taking a stand against the Syrian tyrant, I thought.

But I had read too fast. Stop the War were, in fact, calling for a rally outside the American embassy, urging the US to stay out of Syria and its neighbour Iran. Its slogans were directed not at the butchers of Damascus, but against the planners in Washington.

There’s a one-word explanation for how anti-war activists find themselves more exercised by the prospect of intervention to stop murderous violence than by the murderous violence itself. That word is Iraq. The 2003 invasion of Iraq has tainted for a generation the idea once known as “liberal interventionism’.

After Iraq, the response to any talk of western action is deep cynicism. Anyone proposing it is assumed to be lying: to be exaggerating a non-existent threat in order to hide the more sinister, ‘true’ purpose (usually oil); and to be blithely ignoring the certainty that any action will only make things worse. Because that’s how it was with Iraq, runs the logic, so it will be true of Iran, Syria or any future conflict. And so the peace movement ends up fighting the last war – specifically, the Iraq war.

But if it is nonsensical to propose military force in every case, as some on the bellicose right do, then it is surely just as nonsensical (for anyone but an absolute pacifist) to oppose it in every case. We need to see again what we understood well before Iraq: that every case is different.

Take Syria. I am not with those who, appalled at the sight of the world doing nothing as children and their parents are killed and maimed by Bashar al-Assad’s troops, immediately demand military action. There is not a binary choice between nothing and war. A range of non-violent steps in between are available to western nations. These include sabotage, electronic interference with the Assad forces’ communications, the offer of incentives to high-level Syrian defectors and the public naming of those units directly involved in the current brutality and their commanding officers. That way Assad’s generals will know that, however this ends, they will never be able to travel freely again, for fear of arrest and prosecution. In addition, of course, the west can support the opposition, which, we should remember, is not a rival army, but began as a non-violent protest movement of ordinary citizens, lethally crushed.

That menu of options comes from Carne Ross, who resigned from his post as the lead official on the Middle East inside the UK mission at the UN over Iraq. Specifically, he quit because he did not believe Britain and the US had exhausted all other options before resorting to war. Once again, in Syria’s case, he believes there are non-violent steps the west could and should take first. I agree. But if those stops don’t end the slaughter? ‘When innocent civilians are killed in large numbers, military force has to be an option,’ he says.

In other words, the post-Iraq blanket rejection of intervention makes no moral sense. Many, chiefly on the right, argued against intervention in Bosnia in the 1990s – and yet if the west had acted earlier, it would have saved tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of mainly Bosnian Muslim lives. Force should always be a last resort – not a first resort, as it is for too many on the right, but not a non-resort as it is for too many on the left.

There is similarly blanket thinking on Iran. Because it understandably recoils from one proposed solution – military action – the anti-war camp refuses to recognise there might even be a problem, namely the possibility of an Iranian nuclear weapon. It dismisses all talk of the issue as neoconservative warmongering, assuming that it amounts to no more than a re-run of Iraq – a drumbeat for war for war’s (or oil’s) sake, with the feared threat from Iran as hollow as it was from Saddam.

Such an assumption looks neat, but it’s too easy. Yes, it is still a matter of dispute as to whether Iran plans to acquire, or how far it has got towards acquiring, nuclear weapons. But it is natural for Israel to feel threatened by the prospect, given Iran’s rejection of Israel’s right to exist as Israel, and the slogans reportedly daubed on Iranian missiles, promising to wipe the country off the map. Carne Ross says Israel’s security concerns are ‘entirely legitimate’ and that were we in their position, we would be just as worried as they are.

“‘Why should Israel fret,’ comes the reply, ‘they have the bomb, don’t they?’ But an Iran-Israel nuclear stand-off would not be like the US-Soviet containment of the cold war, with its lines of communication and negotiated military doctrines underpinning a stable, nuclear-balanced détente. There is no such communication or mutual understanding between Iran and Israel. The Middle East and the world would be on a hair-trigger to nuclear war.

“The anti-war camp needs at least to acknowledge the existence of a problem here, that while military action to thwart Iran would have terrifying consequences, so too would an Iranian nuclear weapon. Nor will it do to oppose not just force but every other step the west is taking to prevent a nuclear Iran, including sanctions and sabotage. If anything, the anti-war movement should be the loudest advocate of non-violent alternatives to military action. That goes for Syria too, on which it says nothing, save that the world should stay out.

“For it is blinded by Iraq. The left was right to oppose that war: I opposed it too. But not all of the world’s troubles, whether in Tehran or Homs, are reruns of 2003. We have new problems now. Fail to see that and we make the people of Homs pay the price for the mistake we made in Baghdad.”


  1. paul fauvet said,

    “Opposition groups such as the Syrian National Council (SNC) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have had to downplay the fact that they are drawn largely from Syria’s Sunni majority”.

    Maybe in the 1980s, Mehdi Hassan would have written something on the lines of “Opposition groups such as the African National Congress (ANC) and the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) have had to downplay the fact that they are drawn largely from South Africa’s black majority”.

  2. SteveH said,

    There is a great clamour for Western imperialists to attack Syria, you lot would be a prime example but so would the media. Sky, the BBC and other Ruling class media have focussed on Libya and Syria, so have Saudi backed outlets. Iranian influenced outlets have focussed on Bahrain and other pro Saudi/West nations where the crackdown has been equally as severe as Syria. You lot ate firmly on the side of war mongering Western imperialists. In your formulation there can be no independent working class position, because to shiraz you are either for David Cameron or for Assad! If you don’t support Western imperialism you are a reactionary scum – great too see you lot advancing Marxism!

  3. dave said,

    Strange to see even the SWP come out against the Baath this time. Their disastrous PR for the Iraqi Baath last time around seems to have sent them scurrying back to their textbooks to find out what anti-imperialism really is, how much more difficult it really is–perhaps one of the unexpected positive outcomes of the imperialists overthrow of Saddam. That leaves only the die-hard Stalinists and their reactionary-scum fellow travellers, who are immune to the charms of either theory or fact. I don’t think Hasan is in the same class of mendacity, he just is not very knowledgeable of either history or theory–certainly not socialist theory or history. On the other hand, he is prolific and writes in sentences, which is enough for most journals nowadays.

  4. Jim Denham said,

    “There is a great clamour for Western imperialists to attack Syria, you lot would be a prime example …”

    So ‘Shiraz’ represents “Western imperialists”? Any other examples of the “clamour”, Mr H?

  5. splinteredsunrise said,

    Actually, I think Steve is a little wide of the mark. Jim is objectively supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.

  6. Jim Denham said,

    Western imperialsm, Muslim Brotherhood…al Qaeda…make up your (tiny) minds who it is that I objectively support.

  7. Jim Denham said,

    Btw: Skidmarx and John G have been posting some semi-rational stuff on the pro-Assad “Socialist Unity” site:

    This is the sort of thing I think is a huge mistake. Anybody who is not an idiot knows that the Assad regime is conducting horrific repression inside Syria. The notion that the way to oppose imperialism is to tell lies about this is utterly disasterous. No socialist should associate themselves with these kinds of arguments at this time.

    Posted by johng 2 March, 2012 at 4:06 pm [ Quote selected text ] [Reply]

  8. Jim Denham said,

    Nooman comments at his own blog, the ill-named ‘Socialist Unity’ (see previous comment):

    97.On the issue of “moral authority” , I don’t think the question can be as simply avoided as jellyyot seeks.

    National sovereignty does seem to require some level of popular assent to give legitimacy, and one of the aspects of the discredited political concept of o”totalitarianism” that former trotskyists like Sidney Hook, James Burn ham and Irvin Kristol brought into currency was the idea that societies that deviate from the norms of western democracies lack popular involvement.

    Johng is still wedded to this cold war doctrine.

    Last year I did reproduce an article criticising the Assad government for a particularly grotesque murder of a child by the police, and I think I did say this illustrated a loss of moral legitimacy.

    Quite clearly however the Syrian state has not lost its legitimacy with many if not most Syrians. The country is divided and both camps have sufficient mass support to sustain the current crisis, and while the Syrian state has the upper hand it no longer exercises a monopoly of military force. There is now a civil war, however assymetrical it may be, where both sides are killing.

    To prevent the situation deteriorating requires a cease fire and a moratorium against foreign intervention.

  9. SteveH said,


    The clamour is coming from the media outlets and the ruling class politicians. War is good for business, more people tune into the news channels. t would be wrong not to have a war in the Queens jubilee year!

    Discussion programmes are now debating the threats Iran.

    On the street, no one is clamouring for war, this is true but that is beside the point. The ruling class have made the decision to target Syria and by extension, Iran. You know all this of course, its just that you lot are anti enlightenment lying bastards.

    And yes, Shiraz represent Western imperialists, absolutely!

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